On the Frontlines: How to Be Ready for Pet Emergencies

At Bayside Animal Hospital, we sincerely hope that you never have to face a pet emergency. If you do, though, we hope that you are as prepared as you can be. Dealing with pet emergencies is not something anyone wants to do, but being prepared can help to set you up for success.
Knowing a Pet Emergency
Understanding what things always need attention immediately can help in a pet emergency. Not delaying veterinary help in some situations can make all the difference.
Pet problems that should be seen as soon as possible and should not wait include:
- Trouble breathing
- Fainting or collapse episodes
- Seizures (especially if it is a new problem)
- Ingestion or exposure to a toxin
- Problems with the eye(s)
- Trauma (things like a dog fight or being hit by a car even if there are no visible injuries)
- Significant bleeding
- Sudden changes in behavior or demeanor
- Sudden lameness
- Inability to urinate or defecate
- Vomiting or diarrhea that persists for more than one episode
It is never wrong to make an appointment to have your pet examined if you are concerned, but this list is a good starting point to identifying true pet emergencies.
Pet Emergency Preparedness
Planning ahead in case of a pet emergency situation can help you to feel a little more equipped to handle any situation you might find yourself in.
In order to best prepare yourself, you might take some time to:
- Put together a pet first-aid kit: Having some basic supplies can help you stabilize your pet in case of a true emergency. A small pet first-aid kit is a good way to ensure that everything you need is available when you want it.
- Get organized: Think about creating a paper or virtual pet emergency folder. Keep a list of local emergency veterinary hospitals, the number for pet poison control, copies of your pet’s current medical records, and emergency contacts in one location to help keep everything accessible for you or your pet’s caretaker.
- Never stop learning: You don’t need to be a pet medical expert (that’s our job!), but knowing some basics can definitely help. Think about taking a pet first-aid course or adding a pet first-aid book to your library.
Dealing with Pet Emergencies
If you do have a pet emergency, it is important to remember that your pet is relying on you for help. Stay calm and work in a stepwise manner with the following:
- If you are able to do so, call to let us know that you are headed in so that we can prepare for your arrival and guide you through any basic care needed.
- Add Bayside Animal Hospital to your phone contacts so you can contact us in an emergency.
- 6910 Douglas Blvd # A, Granite Bay, CA 95746
- Phone: (916) 791-8387
- Add Bayside Animal Hospital to your phone contacts so you can contact us in an emergency.
- If it is outside of normal office hours, contact a local emergency vet care option such as MarQueen Pet Emergency.
- Consider what you can do at the moment. If your pet isn’t breathing you may need to start CPR. Consider if injuries need to be stabilized or bleeding addressed.
- Take proper precautions when transporting a sick or injured pet.
- Give your pet space. Pets who are scared or hurting may act out of character. If you have to move your pet, keep yourself in a safe position and consider a muzzle or thick towel to be safe. Never muzzle a vomiting pet or one that is having trouble breathing.
- Bring along any packaging available if a toxin exposure is known or suspected.
- Do not give your pet any medications without direct veterinary supervision, as this can hinder our ability to diagnose and treat your pet.
If you do find yourself in the midst of a pet emergency, we hope that thinking through things ahead of time helps you to provide the best care possible for your pet. Situations like these are never easy, but feeling like you know how to handle things can help get you through them.
Add Bayside Animal Hospital to your phone contacts so you can contact us in an emergency.
6910 Douglas Blvd # A, Granite Bay, CA 95746
Phone: (916) 791-8387