Regular Vet Check-Ups for the Best Preventive Pet Healthcare

cute cat at vet.

Who doesn’t want their four-legged family member to live their longest, best life? Bayside Animal Hospital is in the business of keeping our patients as healthy as possible, and routine veterinary care and pet wellness exams are a big part of that.


How to Help Your Pet Adjust to a New Home

Cute puppy in moving box.

Moving to a new home is an exciting time, but for our pets, suddenly landing in an unfamiliar space can lead to pet anxiety. So while you’re packing up boxes and making plans for moving day, keep these pet relocation tips from our team in mind.


How to Choose the Right Type of Food for Your Pet’s Diet

Cat and dog eating..

Are you passionate about choosing the right pet food for your furry friend? We are, too. But it’s the Wild West out there when it comes to pet food choices. From bloggers to marketers to Nelly Jones next door, everyone seems to have an opinion on what healthy pet food options are—and aren’t. 


The Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Pet

Cute puppy and kitten.

Do you want to spend the time, money, and dedication it takes to become a professional breeder? If the answer is no—as it is for most pet parents—we recommend spaying and neutering your dogs and cats. Pet sterilization comes with several benefits. Plus, it helps limit pet overpopulation and homelessness. Our veterinary team at Bayside Animal Hospital would like to share the 3 benefits of spaying or neutering your pet. 


A Complete Guide to Puppy and Kitten Vaccinations

Puppy and kitten playing.

Vaccinations are a form of preventive care that helps protect your pet from potentially life-threatening diseases that can be easily spread in the environment or from contact with other animals. 

Vaccinating your puppy or kitten is a necessary step in providing them with a healthy life. Vaccinations help prevent them from getting sick and avoid the pain and discomfort of a serious illness.


Managing Canine Arthritis

Senior dog.

Canine arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that can strike at any age, but it is more common in middle-aged and senior dogs. Risk factors include obesity, injury, elbow or hip dysplasia, Lyme Disease, genetics, and poor nutrition. 


Letters From the Litter Box—Why Your Cat is Peeing Outside the Box

Cat litter box issues.

Coping with a cat who urinates outside their litter box can be extremely frustrating. You may suspect these mysterious creatures have some kind of vendetta against humanity (or at least against you)—after all we’ve done for them! Before you start sleeping with one eye open, let Bayside Animal Hospital unbox the messages your cat is trying to send, so you can tell your cat, “message received,” and take the appropriate steps to fix the problem.

#1: Your cat has a medical condition

Urinary tract disorders will cause the most fastidious cat to miss their litter box. Increased urgency can prevent cats from reaching their box. Painful urination may become associated with their box, which may cause avoidance. Cats will indicate their pain by vocalizing when urinating. Urinary tract conditions include:


Top Ten Signs that Your Dog Needs Urgent Care

Dog at urgent care visit

Pet emergencies are never fun. Guessing whether your dog needs a same-day appointment or can wait for a little bit can add even more stress to an already stressful situation. Bayside Animal Hospital has a list of our top ten signs that your pet needs an urgent care appointment.  


The Importance of Wellness Exams for Dogs and Cats

Puppy veterinarian visit.

Pet wellness visits are a vital element of overall pet health and wellness because they give us the opportunity to create and monitor a health baseline throughout various life stages. When we first get to know your pet, these visits give us the best view of his or her “normal” when it comes to daily wellness. Keep reading to learn more about these visits and how we use them to keep your pets as healthy (and as happy) as possible.


Coughing Cat: Hairball or More?

Beautiful blue-eyed cat.

Cleaning up the occasional hairball is par for the course when it comes to taking care of cats. And for the most part, hairballs are nothing to worry about. But how do you know if your coughing cat has a harmless hairball or some other more serious medical condition?

At Bayside Animal Hospital, we love keeping your cats healthy with routine wellness visits and treatments for illnesses when you need them. We’re happy to help demystify the reasons why your cat might cough and how to know when a call to the veterinarian is warranted.  
