Letters From the Litter Box—Why Your Cat is Peeing Outside the Box

Cat litter box issues.

Coping with a cat who urinates outside their litter box can be extremely frustrating. You may suspect these mysterious creatures have some kind of vendetta against humanity (or at least against you)—after all we’ve done for them! Before you start sleeping with one eye open, let Bayside Animal Hospital unbox the messages your cat is trying to send, so you can tell your cat, “message received,” and take the appropriate steps to fix the problem.

#1: Your cat has a medical condition

Urinary tract disorders will cause the most fastidious cat to miss their litter box. Increased urgency can prevent cats from reaching their box. Painful urination may become associated with their box, which may cause avoidance. Cats will indicate their pain by vocalizing when urinating. Urinary tract conditions include:
