Hiring a Dog Sitter: What to Look For

Dog sitter playing with dogs

When you leave your pet in someone else’s care, you want to ensure your furry friend is safe, comfortable, and well cared for. And if it’s your first time looking for pet care, you might not know where to find a pet sitter, what questions to ask, or how to tell if someone is reputable.

These are the qualities to look for and questions to ask when hiring a pet sitter.


Top Ten Signs that Your Dog Needs Urgent Care

Dog at urgent care visit

Pet emergencies are never fun. Guessing whether your dog needs a same-day appointment or can wait for a little bit can add even more stress to an already stressful situation. Bayside Animal Hospital has a list of our top ten signs that your pet needs an urgent care appointment.  


Do Cats, Dogs, and Turkeys Mix? Thanksgiving Safety

Cute dog caught eating pie.

Turkey, with all the trimmings, is a Thanksgiving tradition, but is it OK to pass the holiday bird to your cat or dog? Pets and people foods don’t always mix, so follow these tips from our team at Bayside Animal Hospital before caving in to your pet’s hungry eyes and sharing any Turkey Day table scraps.


The (Mostly) Benign Nature of the Unnerving Reverse Sneeze

Dog sneezing.

Episodic memory is a highly specific recollection from your personal history with detailed imagery and sensations related to the experience. Examples might be your first day of college, a skydiving trip, or the moment you met your partner.


Safety for Vaping Around Pets

Girl vaping in her house.

We can all assume that smoking around your pets is probably not the best idea, but the waters become a little murkier when it comes to vaping. As this practice becomes more prevalent, the Bayside Animal Hospital staff get asked more and more, “can I vape in the same room as my pets?” Vaping around pets definitely requires some precautions, and not all are self-evident. 


5 Ways to Tell You’re a Responsible Pet Owner

Pet and owner doing yoga together.

There’s much more to being a responsible pet parent than filling food and water dishes daily. Opening your home and heart to a pet is a serious commitment that entails providing adequate healthcare, a safe environment, and plenty of attention and TLC throughout your pet’s life. At Bayside Animal Hospital, we celebrate the human-animal bond, and we’re here with the resources and support you need to create a healthy and happy home for your pet. If you’re wondering how to be a responsible pet owner, here are five ways to tell that you’re doing a great job! 


Your Guide to Sago Palm Poisoning in Dogs

A potted sago palm overlooking the landscape.

California is a pretty great place to live when you are a dog. Nowhere is without potential pitfalls, however, and one danger of the West Coast lifestyle is the sago palm. At Bayside Animal Hospital we see our fair share of pets having dangerous encounters with this toxic plant. We hope with a little education, our pet parents will have a better understanding about sago palm toxicity in dogs and how to avoid this common concern.


Keep Pets Safe in the Heat

Dog cooling off by fan.

High temps can be hard for pets to tolerate, especially seniors, overweight pets, and those with certain medical conditions. Dog breeds with flat faces, such as pugs and bulldogs, are also at a higher risk of heat-related illness, as are snub-nosed cats like Persians and Himalayans.  


Why is My Dog Shaking So Much?

A trembling or shaking dog wrapped up in a blanket because it is cold.

Dog trembling or quivering is often associated with small breeds, like chihuahuas, but dogs of any size can experience the shivers and shakes. Many things can cause shaking or trembling in dogs. 

Sometimes the culprit is obvious. Is your small dog shaking because he’s cold or happy to see you? Those are easy fixes. But if your dog suddenly starts to tremble for no apparent reason, it’s important to contact your veterinarian to rule out the possibility that an illness or injury is to blame. 

Does your dog shiver or tremble? If so, read on for potential causes. The team at Bayside Animal Hospital is here to help you understand why your favorite canine companion is shaking or trembling and what you can do to help your four-legged friend.


What Can I Do for My Dog During Firecracker Noise?

Dog hiding from loud noises.

Nothing says summer like family barbecues, apple pie and 4th of July celebrations. But while you’re marveling at how well the music and fireworks are synchronized, your dog may be experiencing levels of anxiety that could significantly impact his mental and physical health. 
